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DPhG-Jahrestagung 2023 / Annual meeting

October 7, 2023

Translational Pharmacy – Practice & Perspective

Dear Colleagues,

it is our great pleasure and honour to invite you to the annual DPhG Meeting in Tübingen, one of the most beautiful traditional old university-towns in Germany. The large number of historically significant sights makes Tübingen's old town an authentic ensemble in which people live, work, research and celebrate. It is also the perfect setting to welcome you and your research teams. The large university, with its 28,000 students from all over the world, contributes to a cosmopolitan atmosphere. The university was founded in 1477, making it one of the oldest universities in Europe. In 2012, the university was awarded excellence status as part of the German University Excellence Initiative, which was renewed in 2019.

The University of Tübingen also was the first German university to establish a faculty of natural sciences, in 1863. DNA was discovered in 1868 at the University of Tübingen by Friedrich Miescher. Starting in the late 1990s at Tübingen, fundamental research on mRNA-based substances for vaccines and cancer treatment and was conducted by very renowned scientists at the Institute of Immunology. In line with the scientific tradition of Tübingen and current achievements of pharmaceutical research the title of this year’s meeting is “Translational Pharmacy – Practice & Perspective”. Interdisciplinary sessions for oral and poster presentations will cover emerging aspects and current achievements of pharmaceutical research.

According to DPhG’s mission, there will be opportunity for young researchers to present and discuss their work, find out about career prospects and to interact with other researchers during extended poster sessions.

On behalf of the President of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), the Congress Chairman and the Program Chair, we ask you to join us this October in Tübingen for an excellent meeting with great scientists, fruitful discussions and a personal exchange ofideas.

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Fischer, DPhG-President
Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Ruth, Congress Chairman
Prof. Dr. Stefan Laufer, Program Chair

Plenary Speaker

Next Generation Gene Therapy for Retinal Diseases
Prof. Dr. Martin Biel
Ludwig-Maximilian-University München

3D printing of medicine, from the lab to real-world clinical application
Dr. Alvaro Goyanes
University College London

Drug Discovery in Academia: Some Success Stories
Prof. Michael E. Jung
UCLA University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Translational Pharmacometrics: Advancing precision dosing through innovative data science
Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft
FU Berlin

Peptide natural products as scaffolds for drugs
Prof. Dr. Roderich Süssmuth
TU Berlin

Functional in vivo target identification and academic drug discovery: a powerful combination
Prof. Dr. Lars Zender
University Hospital Tübingen

Topic Sessions and Chairs

AI and Computational Methods in Medicinal Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Oliver Koch & Prof. Dr. Frank Böckler

Antibodies and their Derivatives: Development and critical quality attributes
Prof. Dr. Hermann Wätzig & Prof. Dr. Susanne Alban

Clinical Omics
Prof. Dr. Michael Lämmerhofer & Prof. Dr. Gerhard Scriba

Disease Associated Ion Conduction Pathways
Prof. Dr. Robert Lukowski & Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Grimm

Highlights in MedChem
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Wünsch & Prof. Dr. Stefan Laufer

Late Breaking New I
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Wünsch

Late Breaking New II
Prof. Dr. Stefan Laufer

Late Breaking New III
Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Ruth & Prof. Dr. Stefan Laufer

MedChem EFMC-Session
Prof. Dr. Christa E. Müller, Prof. Rui Moreira

Medication Safety at Transitions of Care
Prof. Dr. Hanna Seidling & Prof. Dr. Frank Dörje

New Antimicrobial Strategies
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Günther & Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft

New Modalities
Prof. Dr. Christa E. Müller & Prof. Dr. Dieter Steinhilber

New Therapeutic Options for Pain and Itch
Prof. Eugen Proschak, Prof. Dr. Dr. Achim Schmidtko

Pharmaceutical history: Recreational Drugs in History, Science and Music
Prof. Dr. Tanja Pommerening

Pharmaceutical Technology – Advances in topical formulations
Prof. Dr. Dominique J. Lunter & Dr. Adina Eichner

Prof. Dr. Dirk Hoffmeister & Prof. Dr. Harald Gross

Prof. Dr. Gerald Reischl & Dr. Anna Junker

Sustainability in Pharmacy
Prof. Dr. Maria Kristina Parr & Prof. Dr. Gregor Fuhrmann

Translational Medicine
Dr. Reinhold Rössler, Dr. Hendrik von Büren

Translational Modeling from Bench to Bedside
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Lehr & Dr. Jens Markus Borghardt

Registration and Abstracts

The registration is open and until July 31, 2023 you get Early Bird prices for registration fee.

You are very welcome to share your studies in a Poster Presentation (PhD-Students / Postdocs) or in an Oral Presentation (Postdocs / Habilitanden / Professors).
The deadline for the abstract submission is July 30, 2023.

Please note that you cannot submit your abstract without registration for the conference.

If you are an invited speaker please submit your abstract also via the DPhG Online Abstract Submission website.

The mobile program is available.

General Information

By participating in the Annual Meeting, you agree that photo and video recordings during the event will be recorded and published by the DPhG. If you do not agree please contact the DPhG.

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Fischer
Lehrstuhl Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Prof. Dr. Peter Ruth
Institut für Pharmazie, Pharmakologie, Toxikologie und Klinische Pharmazie, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Prof. Dr. Stefan Laufer
Pharmazeutische Chemie, Pharmazeutisches Institut, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
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